Listen to TAS Episode 3: This Is What A Row Of books Sounds Like


Welcome back to our show! This month we get back to form with app reviews, an interview and more. But first…


In the News

Google releases ICS source code but true openness still eludes

ATT and Code Factory team up for Mobile Accessibility Light

Google opens music download store, welcomes artists to upload directly

You can learn even more about Google Music  by listening to This Week In Google 121 “This One Goes To 11 “

You can learn more about Darwin Reader, the accessible DAISY app,  at this site

Logitech drops google TV and calls it an expensive mistake

Google’s five worst mistakes

Google is scared of Siri?


App Review: Jeannie

We keep hearing that you need this other phone because you can talk to it and it gives you information. Well, Android can do that too and JJ shows us how with Jeannie Home2Shorcut.

Find Jeannie on the Android Market here

And you can find Home2Shortcut here


Interview: Peter Meijer And vOICe App For Android

Peter lets us in on what it was like to develop this app and so much more.

You can learn more about vOICE and the Seeing With Sound group at this site.

You can follow Peter on Twitter

And  You can also hear more about the app in combination with a bar code scanner by visiting this link

You can also find the app on the Android Market at this link


We Hear Voices…

Ivona voices gets a free update for Androids

Best Android Apps and options for disabled users


App Review: Audiobooks

You can find the free Audiobooks app that Joe discussed on the Android Market


Apps Mentioned On The Show:

We get asked all the time about apps we use and find accessible. Several were mentioned in Episode 3 and you can find the links to their Android market pages below.


Conan and Team Cocoa

TED Talks

Revision 3

Giant bomb


NPR Streaming News

Al Jazera

American Airlines

Google Translate



Mobile Accessibility


Joe’s Quest For A New Phone Continues

Joe is still on the hunt for a new phone, but he was very depressed to read this review of the new Samsung Stratosphere for Verizon

Ultimate Android 4.0 Update List: Which Phones Will Get Ice Cream Sandwich?

Also, thanks to Jammin’ Jerry for his links to Android podcasts he has done on various Android phones. You can find his podcast archives at



We’ve had our say, now its your turn. Drop us a line at or send us a tweet at our official Twitter page.


You can also follow our hosts by visiting

Ana’s Accessible Android blog or

JJ at Android

You can find Joe’s Twitter feed at The Ranger Station too.


Thanks for listening!
